01 November 2008

Let me make you a movie poster


Someone was making a zombie movie on youtube, they had a contest to make a movie poster for it - and this was my ridiculous attempt. I quite enjoyed making a movie poster so I want you - the reader(s?) of this blog to give me some movie titles, just think of any old ridiculous title for a movie that you'd like to see and I will attempt to make you a poster for it, if you're reading these words then you are now legally obliged to leave a comment with your crazy movie title.


hi. i'm callie said...

the scariest movie i've ever seen was gremlins...and i still have nightmares about it...!! that being said, i'd watch anything you made.

and movie posters are fun and awesome

yaffle said...

callie didn't give me a movie title to draw :(

our national space said...

Movie Title: "Callie Doesn't Understand"

Somebodyiusedtoknow said...

The poster reminds me of Garbage Pail Kids of the early 1980's. Did folks in the UK get the pleasure of experiencing those gems?

Movie Title: "Just Shut Up And Let Me Do It Myself - A Tale of Hope" - a suggestion by Michael.

or my suggestion is:

"Mrs. McMariam's Cosmic Aquarium"

hi. i'm callie said...

movie title "callie never understands"

especially a lot of things these days...

bwhahrhr said...

I as a reader of this blog hereby submit my movie-title, as I already wrote you a message of encouraging praise privatly.

I also waive all rights, including intelectual property rights, if you so choose to make the following movietitle into a poster to you, dear creater of this blog formerly known as Yaffle:

Invasion - mandevouring postlesbian Cyborgvampires from outerspace.

(yeah its a sci-fi porn for intelectuals)

hi. i'm callie said...

i second matthias's notion!