17 December 2008

The Yaffle Holiday Special

Note: Skip to the text in bold for the main point.

The entire Star Wars saga saga has been on TV the past few weeks, so I ended up checking out the notorious Star Wars Holiday Special, you know for a laugh, this is a 2 hour made for TV piece of excrement which George Lucas himself disowned, when you consider how bad his own Star Wars prequels are you really know that this has to be something extraordinarily poor, and by god it is. I could not get through more than about 15 minutes of it, mainly due to the fact that most of the dialogue is spoken by a family of Wookies, they just stand around their treetop house (we should steal their design for our commune) and scream at each other for minutes on end, it is absolutely insufferable. Plus, Mark Hamill looks really weird in it, in a scary way. Yeah so anyway I was watching that and then checked out an episode of the Muppet Show with special guests "the stars of Star Wars", by the way the Muppet Show is great (obviously), I mean - really, just watch the intro to the Muppet Show and it will brighten your day, this should be piped into hospitals, YOU CANNOT WATCH THE INTRO TO THE MUPPET SHOW AND REMAIN SAD. THAT IS A FACT. Plus there was a scottish muppet in it which is two kinds of awesome.

Star Wars Holiday Special
The Muppet Show - Star Wars Episode (via kottke )

If I were a more productive person I would have organised some sort of amazingly awful YouTube Holiday Special, with all my youtube friends! Mariam, callie and zane singing carols, matthias spinning plates, ournationalspace decorating a christmas tree, frumpyframpton showing us his 2009 calendar, colbent wearing a santa hat etc. IMAGINE HOW FUN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN!!! But instead of doing that I made you read this insufferable blog post, ha! jokes on you lolololol


Anonymous said...

I have a dvd where on one side it is "The Battle for Endor" and on the other side it is "Caravan of Courage." There is still plenty of time for that holiday special...

yaffle said...

I haven't seen those since I was a kid, oh the star wars memories are coming flooding back now.

hi. i'm callie said...

i'd love to have a glass of wine and watch the muppets right now. i'm exhausted...

better yet...wine, muppets, in our commune! yeah! we can make that our tuesday night ritual;-)

ps: when i hear the word "wookie" i always think of this wonderful book...i'll have to find the title for you...you need to read it;-)

Somebodyiusedtoknow said...

oh my! the new Muppet Show has aired? I've missed it!

Can't talk. Must go find it on internet. Gasp!

p.s. i like your pictures but i like it when you make word sentences too.

Somebodyiusedtoknow said...

oh wait, i see i've misunderstood. mention muppet show and brain goes out the window :-)

Zane said...

yaffle writes!
the muppets are amazing!

this year i will watch the muppets christmas carol together with my sisters as i do every year...with the correct time difference shifts :)