27 January 2009


shortbreadman, originally uploaded by mybindle.

I'm heavily into the shortbread scene at the moment, a tin of said foodstuff is currently being polished off as fast as my arteries are being clogged. As you can see from the picture above, my tin of shortbread is filled with a myriad of differently designed shorties (I'm favouring the shield design), I would like to be a shortbread designer one day, that's the dream anyway.

Tell me about your tea/coffee accompaniments, people.


Andrew said...

I originally read this as "shortbeardman" when I saw it in google reader. The picture didn't help me to think otherwise. Oddly enough, I'm eating gingersnaps with my tea. Except it's not nearly 5am where I am.

yaffle said...

I can't sleep when there is still a half full tin of shortbread in the house, hiding the tin under the floorboards did no good.

5am... don't judge me, ginger snap man.

hi. i'm callie said...

hmmm..i like tea with my tea. i'm beginning to realize i might have a slight tea addiction problem...

i DO love shortbread too! my favorite is the the lorna doone brand - mmmm.......!!!!

i like shortbread man's hawt stubble btw ;-D

our national space said...

the only thing moar unattractive than that "unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed" image of yaffle above is imagining him talking to his 'lorna doones', admiring their 'design', and then eating them with a blank passive face as he watches a cockroach walk across the kitchen floor to collect the sugary yellow glistening crumbs

hi. i'm callie said...

ONS's yaffle eating lorna doones and cockroach story is the best thing i've read in ages and ages!

yaffle said...

hahaha, I know,! sadly we don't have lorna doone branded shortbread over here :(

3 cups of tea a day is my limit. shaving my hawt man-stubble now.

hi. i'm callie said...

dammit! i'm at 5 cups, but it's herbal and caffiene free ;-)

learning pineapple cats now

Zane said...

today i had dates with my tea.

i agree with callie. stubble is hawt(i feel so californian writing that...)